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Steve and Linda Larson
Esteban y Linda Larsón

March 21, 2011
So many things for prayer!

Praise God for the good growth of the church(es) here. The central church in Rivera last night was full—only the seats in the front row were empty (sound like the US?). But, we ask not only for numerical growth, but, even more so, spiritual growth, in the Lord and in the reformed faith. While the commitment to salvation by grace here is strong, the churches here still need teaching about the covenant, and the church. They are receptive, but, there is work to be done. We praise God as well for the many young people (more than 20) who come (mostly from unbelieving homes) both to the young people´s meetings and to the worship services at the central church and in Mandubí. We praise God for the many children who come to the Mandubí church. Pray that their parents would come as well. Praise God for the newly added church, the Bible Church of Santa Isabel. Pray for the widow of the pastor, Margarita (88 years old last week!) and praise God for her faithfulness. Praise God for the first week of Sunday School in Santa Isabel—just three new kids, but, a good start, and for the teachers, my wife Linda and Deacon Sandin´s wife Mabel. Praise God for the continuing growth of the church in Empalme, and the worker there, Millel (pronounced Michelle) Lima, who is blind. Praise God and pray for the visitations that I make in Parada Medina in the countryside and in Prado in Sant´Ana do Livramento (Brazil) with Deacon Sandín, and for my visits with Elder Henry Vega in Mandubí. Praise God for the mission work in Paraíso (also in Brazil), and the possibility of getting a new meeting place, and also the  possibility of another new mission work in Brazil.

Please pray for us as the Falks leave the field, and we are the only mission family here until the arrival of the Richlines, perhaps more than a year from now.

Thank you for your prayers!

Dec. 2, 2010
Prayer requests. Praise God for the good attendance at the worship services in the central church in Rivera, and in the various mission works. Praise God for the good attendance of the young people, some of whom are now in classes to prepare them for baptism. Praise God for those who have been living together and have now decided to marry and others in similar circumstances who are convicted of the need to do the same, that they would come to a righteous conclusion. Praise God for those coming to the mission works in Sant´Ana do Livramento in Brazil, in the Paraíso neighborhood, that we would be able to use the church building that has been offered to us, and in the Prado neighborhood, praise God for the ten people who attend, and pray that they would come to saving faith (most have never confessed their faith in our Saviour). Pray for the coming of Team Uruguay (Vanessa Rubingh from Chain-O-Lakes OPC in Central Lake, Michigan, James Stafford from Grace OPC in Columbus, Ohio, and Kathleen Winslow, from Westminster OPC in Westminster, California) and the summer Vacation Bible School in the Mandubí neighborhood during the Christmas break. Pray for the publication of the Catechism for Little Children in Spanish. And finally, pray for the screens we ordered, er, three or four months ago, because the mosquitoes really seem to like our blood.

Hi! We have been called as missionaries to Uruguay by our church, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
¡Hola! Hemos sido llamados para ser misioneros a Uruguay por nuestra iglesia, la Iglesia Presbiteriana Ortodoxa.
Lord willing, we will be going there sometime in August.
Dios mediante, vamos a ir allá algún tiempo en agosto.
Before that, we need to attend a the Missionary Training Institute in Colorado in July.
Antes de ésto, tenemos que asistir el Instituto de Enseñanza Misionero en Colorado en julio.
We hope to work alongside the Jonathan and Margaret Falk, missionaries of our church who are already there.
Esperamos trabajar al lado de Jonathan y Margarita Falk, misioneros de nuestra iglesia que ya están allá.
And of course, alongside our Uruguayan brothers and sisters in the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Rivera, on the border with Brazil.
Y por supuesto, al lado de nuestros hermanos uruguayos en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Rivera, en la frontera con Brasil.
We ask you to pray for us, for "Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it." (Psalm 127:1)
Les pedimos orar para nosotros, porque " 1 Si Jehová no edificare la casa, En vano trabajan los que la edifican." (Salmos 127:1)
If you´d like to know what´s happening with us, just go to the News/Noticias page on our menu.
Si quiere saber lo que está pasando con nostros, solo es necesario ir a las página de News/Noticias.